Social Media Policy

Aber Valley Wolves Rugby League Club recognises that social media can be a positive way for players, officials and clubs to engage with supporters and other stakeholders to grow the online presence of the game of Rugby League. However, persons who are subject to the WRL Operational Rules must use social media responsibly and must also remember that social media is public and available for anyone to see or read and retweet or share.

Aber Valley Wolves Rugby League Club does not wish to unduly restrict your use of social media but you must be aware that you are accountable for your actions and what you communicate via social media. Aber Valley Wolves Rugby League Club is keen to promote the safe and responsible use of social networking technology, but also to make its members aware of the potential risks and to share best practice. Participants should be aware that comments that bring the game into disrepute, or are threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting, might lead to disciplinary action.

This Social Media Policy includes, but is not limited to, the use of Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, blogs, websites and any other public online forum and encompasses the guidance set out below. A Breach of this Policy may lead to Aber Valley Wolves Rugby League Club charging you with misconduct under the Operational Rules or the police charging you with a criminal offence or an individual or company taking out a private prosecution against you.

The Social Media Policy should not be seen as being unduly prescriptive: it exists to help, support and protect both the club and its appointed representatives.

Examples of online communication that should not be used include:

· Don’t put offensive photos online – this includes nude photos of you or friends, including body parts

· Don’t use offensive language online – this includes anything which could be considered racist, homophobic, ageist or sexist; anything which shows prejudice or disrespect to anyone with a disability; or anything which shows prejudice against someone’s religion; and also includes foul language

· Don’t insult or criticise the club, club sponsors or commercial partners

· Remember that ‘banter’ can be misconstrued in open forums – be careful of using insulting or critical terminology towards fellow players, club members, teammates or other people in Rugby League or other sports. Even if you consider a comment to be ‘banter’ anything that suggests someone has broken the law, cheated, lied or is dishonest or incompetent could be libellous

· Don’t suggest that match officials, club officials, WRL officials or the WRL are biased or corrupt – such suggestions are legally actionable

· At all times, exercise discretion and respect for clubs, players, fans and the game’s partners

· Deleting or apologising publicly for an improper posting does not prevent disciplinary action being taken

· Don’t give out inside information about your club or teammates which may be used for the purposes of gambling or betting

· Don’t post material that infringes the intellectual property rights of other parties

· Don’t share personal details about yourself or others that could expose either party (email addresses, contact numbers)

· Don’t make physical threats of violence or say that you are going to commit a criminal offence (such as bombing an airport or rioting) or say anything which might be considered to incite someone else to do any of the above

· Don’t engage in any sexualised messages, particularly with anyone under the age of 18 – if in doubt, assume they are under 18 – and never DM/PM anyone under the age of 18

· Don’t respond to offensive messages from the public – no matter how tempting. Don’t get drawn – use the block button to keep the trolls at bay

· Don’t retweet, like or share messages featuring any of the above – you are as much responsible for the contents of retweets, likes or shares as original tweets or postings

Please note that the list of guidelines set out in the Social Media Policy above is not exhaustive in regards to the nature of content which may be deemed to be inappropriate and in no way supersedes, changes or replaces the existing WRL Operational Rules.

Any breaches will be dealt with in line with club policy as laid out in the Anti Bullying Policy and Safeguarding Policy, which ultimately could lead to loss of position.